Tuesday, April 13, 2010

VS2010 + Windows Phone 7

Catching up on my C#/Silverlight/XNA RSS feeds, I read a Sgt. Conker article regarding Visual Studio 2010 RC and the Windows Phone 7 CTP.

In the past few weeks, I've been having quite the war with the VS2010 Ultimate Beta 2 and the Windows Phone 7 CTP, mainly because they're not compatible, and thus I can only have one installed at a time. On one machine, one of them won out, on the other, the other. That is, until VS2010 RC was released, at which point I uninstalled Ultimate Beta 2 (couldn't upgrade from that), and then ... decided to just install the Phone CTP.

And now I find out that I didn't have to make a decision, but that the CTP *will* work on top of RC just fine, which means I get to uninstall the CTP on two machines, install Visual Studio 2010, and then reinstall CTP on top, with the guidance mentioned in the article above. And, since VS2010 is actually released now (not Release Candidate, as far as I know), I can go directly to that.

All this for the XNA portion of the WP7 tools to tell me that the video card on one of my machines isn't up to snuff, relegating it to Silverlight-only development. And I'm too cheap to go buy a new video card.

So far.

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